The Concept of an International Organization in International Law (Oxford University Press, Oxford Monographs in International Law, 2021). Available here - SSRN
EJIL:Talk! Favourite Readings of 2021
Mentioned in the Bibliography of the International Court of Justice 2020-2022
Reviewed by Christiane Ahlborn, for the British Yearbook of International Law (2023), Orfeas Chasapis Tassinis for the International Organizations Law Review (2023)20, Martina Buscemi for the Italian Review of International and Comparative Law (2022)2. Vlog for ‘diritti comparati’.
国际法上国际组织的概念 (China Social Science Press, 2024) Available here
translation into Simplified Chinese by Prof. HU Desheng
Special Issues
‘Introduction: Contested Fundamentals of the Law of International Organizations: Repositioning legal Theory’ (2023) 20 International Organizations Law Review 1. Available here.
‘How to Write a Judgment: Creative Writing and International Adjudication’ (2024) Journal of International Dispute Settlement. Available here.
‘The Thin Line Between Farce and Tragedy: My Covid Story Between Italy and Guatemala’ (2022) 20/3 International Journal of Constitutional Law. Available here.
'The Notion of Institutional Practice in United Nations Law' (2021) 24 Max Planck Yearbook of United Nations Law 3 (Premio SIDI 2022). Available here - SSRN (Mentioned in the Bibliography of the International Court of Justice 2020-2022)
Analysis, Agenda of the International Labour Conference Addendum Proposals for the abrogation of Conventions Nos 4, 15, 28, 41, 60 and 67 (GB.325/INS/2(Add.)), 4 April 2017, OXIO 194, Oxford Reports on International Law: International Organizations, Oxford University Press, 2017. Available here.
Analysis, Follow-up to the discussion on the protection of Employers’ and Workers’ delegates to the International Labour Conference and members of the Governing Body in relation to the authorities of a State of which they are a national or a representative (GB.328/LILS/1), 28 March 2017, OXIO 151, Oxford Reports on International Law: International Organizations, Oxford University Press 2017. Available here.
Analysis, Protection of Employers’ and Workers’ delegates to the International Labour Conference and members of the Governing Body in relation to the authorities of a State of which they are a national or a representative (GB.325/LILS/1), 19 July 2016, OXIO 72, Oxford Reports on International Law: International Organizations, Oxford University Press 2016. Available here.
Analysis, Matters relating to the Administrative Tribunal of the ILO: workload and effectiveness of the Tribunal (GB.325/PFA/9/1(Rev.)), 1 March 2016, OXIO 68, Oxford Reports on International Law: International Organizations, Oxford University Press 2016. Available here.
‘Responsabilità di un’organizzazione internazionale in materie di sua competenza esclusiva: imputazione e obbligo di risultato secondo il Tribunale Internazionale per il Diritto del Mare’ (2015) 98/3 Rivista di Diritto Internazionale 91
Book Chapters
‘State Silence and International Space Law’ in Danae Azaria (ed) State Silence Across International Law: Meaning, Context and Developments (OUP forthcoming)
‘Ten Years Spent Attributing the Conduct to an International Organization’ in Rossana Deplano, Antal Berkes, Richard Collins (eds) Reassessing the Articles on the Responsibility of International Organizations (Edward Elgar, forthcoming)
‘The World Bank and Legal Studies’ in Antje Vetterlein and Tobias Schmidtke (eds) The Elgar Companion to the World Bank (Edward Elgar, forthcoming)
‘The Employment of Human Rights to Demand Accountability for Activities of International Organizations Harming Individuals’ in Kristin Henrard and Michelle Duin, Research Handbook on Accountability for Human Rights Violations (Edward Elgar, forthcoming) Available here.
‘The Recognition of the Formal Equality of International Organizations by Means of an International Rule of Incorporation’ in Daniele Amoroso, Loris Marotti, Pierfrancesco Rossi, Andrea Spagnolo, Giovanni Zarra (eds.) ‘More equal than others? Perspectives on the Principle of Equality from International and EU Law’ (Asser Press, 2022) Available here - SSRN.
‘Beyond the Either-Or Paradigm’ in S. Droubi and J. d’Aspremont (eds), International Organizations, Non-State Actors, and The Formation of Customary International Law, Melland Schill Perspectives on International Law (Manchester University Press, 2020). Available here - SSRN (Mentioned in the Bibliography of the International Court of Justice 2020-2022)
‘Courtspeak: A Method to Read the Argumentative Structure Employed by the International Court of Justice in its Judgments and Advisory Opinions’ in Armin von Bogdandy, Helene Ruiz Fabri, Ingo Venzke, André Nunes (eds), International Judicial Legitimacy. New Voices and Approaches (NOMOS Verlag, 2020) also published as iCourts Working Paper Series No. 113. Available here. (Mentioned in the Bibliography of the International Court of Justice 2020-2022)
‘The International Legal Responsibility of the OSCE’ in Anne Peters, Mateja Platise and Carolyn Moser (ed), Revisiting the Legal Status of the OSCE (Cambridge University Press, 2019). Available here. Also published as Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law & International Law (MPIL) Research Paper No. 2018-35. Available here.
‘Overlapping Responsibility: The Legal Relationship between the International Organization and the Host State’ in Andrea de Guttry, Micaela Frulli, Edoardo Greppi, Chiara Macchi (eds) The Duty of Care of International Organisations towards their Civilian Personnel Sent on Missions (T. M. C. Asser Press, 2018). Available here - SSRN.
‘Responsible Rhetoric’, in Jan Klabbers, Maria Varaki and Guilherme Vasconcelos Vilaca (ed) Towards Responsible Global Governance? An Exploration (University of Helsinki, 2018). Available here - SSRN
‘In difesa del Consiglio di Sicurezza: violazioni dei diritti umani e lotta al terrorismo’, in Andrea Spagnolo, Stefano Saluzzo (ed), La responsabilità degli Stati e delle organizzazioni internazionali: nuove fattispecie e problemi di attribuzione e di accertamento (Ledizioni 2017). Available here.
Book Reviews
‘Fernando Lusa Bordin, The Analogy between States and International Organizations (Cambridge University Press 2018)’ 18 International Organizations Law Review (2021) 269. Available here - SSRN.
‘Gerhard Ullrich. The Law of the International Civil Service Berlin: Duncker & Humblot, 2018. Pp 538. € 89,90. ISBN: 978-3-428-14914-8’ (2020) 31(2) European Journal of International Law 781. Available here - SSRN.
‘Monika Heupel and Michael Zürn, Protecting the Individual from International Authority (Cambridge University Press, 2017)’ (2018) 15/1 International Organizations Law Review. Available here - SSRN.
‘Nigel White, The Law of International Organisations (Manchester University Press, 3rd ed, 2016)’ (2017) 14/2 International Organizations Law Review. Available here - SSRN.
Blog Posts
‘Victims of Informal Institutions: The Status of National Personnel of the International Commission Against Impunity in Guatemala (CICIG)’. EJIL:Talk!, 24 October 2023. Available here.
‘'Try Again, Fail Again, Fail Better’: The International Law Commission is back on International Organizations’. EJIL:Talk!, 28 June 2023. Available here.
‘The Participation in the Security Council of an ‘Aggressor’ Permanent Member: What About Good Faith?’, Opinio Juris, 17 March 2022. Available here.
'The International Law Commission as a sui generis organ? A call for self-reflection, Völkerrechtsblog, 24 February 2021. Available here.
'The Failure to Pursue the Mandates of International Organizations in the Midst of the COVID-19 Pandemic, EJIL:Talk! 27 May 2020. Available here.
'The Use of the ‘Proxy Argument’ in the Al-Bashir Case–A Riddle for the Law of International Organizations, Opinio Juris, 6 July 2019. Available here.
'Regime Interactions and the Dual Legality of EU Law: The case of Slovak Republic v. Achmea', The Global, Global Governance Centre, Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies, 26 April 2018. Available here.