The Master in Electoral Policy and Administration (MEPA) is a comprehensive and advanced educational program designed to provide current and prospective election professionals with extensive knowledge and skills in electoral processes and administration. This program offers a detailed overview of all electoral phases and different electoral frameworks, preparing participants to serve as election administrators, members of Election Management Bodies, or electoral observers.
The 'She Votes Africa' initiative, financed by the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation (MAECI), is a pioneering effort to strengthen women's leadership in electoral processes across Africa. Recognizing the significant barriers women face in participating in democratic governance, this initiative focuses on fostering their skills, building capacity, and amplifying their voices in decision-making roles.
The Corpus of Resolution: UN Security Council (CR-UNSC) collects and presents for the first time in human and machine-readable form all resolutions, drafts, and meeting records of the UN Security Council, including detailed metadata, as published by the UN Digital Library and revised by the authors (with Sean Fobbe and Niccolò Ridi).
I co-convene the interest group on international organizations of the European Society of International Law. Our main activities consist of organising a side workshop for the annual conference of the Society and smaller events throughout the year
Oxford International Organizations (OXIO) is a database of annotated documents pertaining to the law of international organizations. I collaborated as Junior Editor (2018-2024)